My rent is due today, and I'm $300 short, how can I make money quickly?



If you feel like you would be able to pay it back, and would be responsible, you could ask a church of any religion. Tell them you are willing to help with charity work and help clean while you try to get the money. It's humiliating, but if you have no other choice…

Of course, this means that next month you will have to come up with your rent+300 usd. Is there no way for you to move into a smaller place?

The first think you need to do is to figure out why you are short. Fixing your problem with rent is just treating a symptom. You need to fix the problem. Either you:

  1. You do not make enough in comparison to your rent.
  2. Your financial priorities need adjusted.
  3. Could be a combination of 1 & 2

To answer your question, I would start by selling the most expensive thing that you own and not need. I have sold $500 worth of things on Facebook. CDs, DVDs and technologies items sell quickly. Once you have sold enough to cover your rent, go to the library and check out a book called The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. This book can change your financial life. It did mine. If they do not have the book, check out his free podcast, “The Dave Ramsey Show.” The information and experiences of others should open your eyes. Good luck.

Simple if you have something/things to sell…. Sell... You cannot afford to own it. Get another whatever cheaper another day.

If you have no things to sell, then maybe be ready for the immediate rent termination.

But strongly recommend asking the landlord for some help.. Then telling him where you stand and let him help you.

If it is monthly rent, offer a weekly payment.

Very difficult I know. Been there, t shirt etc.

I know that in a short time you will look back and think Wow! … I sorted that out. Or it just won't matter.

Good luck Brutha/Sista

$300/4 = $75 per hour

No one gives money away like this without getting a return. Sell yourself. Sell stuff you don't need on Amazon/eBay. Provide a service, go out and wash cars, do gardening or something else where you can use a skill you've learnt.

The main problem most of us have is that we ask questions like "how can I make $300 in 4 hours" hoping it can jump into our account without risk in a few clicks of a button. If it was that easy money would have no value.

Work your ass off and in 4 hours there's no reason why you can't earn $300. Or you can do what majority of people would do and that's just hope for another answer which sounds a bit more easy.

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